

  • 作者: 尧源
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2022-12-25





Qilin, also known as"Qilin" , is an animal in Chinese ancient legends. It is called"fo* spirits" together with Phoenix, Tortoise and Dragon. "LiJi Li Yun" has "unearthed vehicles, river horse map, Phoenix Qilin,are in the sub*bs of coconut" ("coconut" with "Shu" ,marsh) . Kylin is one of the ancient Chinese ways of praying for children.Legend has it that Kylin is a benevolent animal, a symbol of good fortune, andcan bring children to people. Wang Jia in the Jin Dynasty, "Shi Yiji"described that before the birth of Confucius, there is a Qilin Tuyu book in hishome, which became the so*ce of the "Qilin Son" . This set ofKylin's pendants weighs about 1.9 kg and is made of fine copper. The s*face ofthe instrument is covered with oil and *ooth. The KYLIN stretches forward onone foot and bends its three feet under the body. The kylin kneels backwards,leaning back on both horns, with the mane rising, his eyes prominent, his noserising like a fancy-shaped nose and his mouth wide with rage, fangs Bared,imposing. The whole body scale Bixian, dorsal fin like gear, flower tail likeflame, axillary fire cloud pattern on the float, static in the move. Riding avirgin boy and girl, walking around in front of the hall, known as the Kylinsent the child. The entire material quality is good, the carving is exquisite,the dynamic feeling is full, the moral auspicious, the skin color integrity,has the collection value quite.
