

  • 作者: 霜菲
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2023-07-08













As a fortune teller, I have extensive knowledge of tarot cards and their meanings. In this article, I will provide a detailed *ysis of the 22 major arcana tarot cards, both upright and reversed positions. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the significance and symboli* behind each card, allowing for a more acc*ate and insightful tarot reading.

The Major Arcana and Their Meanings

1. The Fool (Upright/Reversed): The Fool represents new beginnings and taking risks. In the upright position, it signifies a leap of faith, while in the reversed position, it suggests recklessness and poor decision-making.

2. The Magician (Upright/Reversed): The Magician signifies power, manifestation, and creative energy. Upright, it symbolizes self-belief and skill, whereas reversed, it indicates manipulation and deceit.

3. The High Priestess (Upright/Reversed): The High Priestess represents intuition, spirituality, and divine wisdom. Upright, it suggests accessing higher knowledge, while reversed, it signifies hidden agendas and blocked intuition.

4. The Empress (Upright/Reversed): The Empress symbolizes abundance, fertility, and n*t*ing energy. In the upright position, it represents maternal love and creativity, while in the reversed position, it can indicate neglect and imbalance.

5. The Emperor (Upright/Reversed): The Emperor embodies authority, stability, and leadership. Upright, it signifies control and struct*e, while reversed, it suggests abuse of power and a lack of responsibility.

6. The Hierophant (Upright/Reversed): The Hierophant represents tradition, conformity, and spiritual guidance. Upright, it suggests adherence to norms and seeking guidance, while reversed, it signifies rebellion and challenging established beliefs.

7. The Lovers (Upright/Reversed): The Lovers card signifies love, partnerships, and choices. Upright, it represents harmony and a soul connection, while reversed, it indicates conflicts and indecisiveness.

8. The Chariot (Upright/Reversed): The Chariot symbolizes control, willpower, and determination. In the upright position, it suggests triumph and success, while reversed, it signifies self-doubt and lack of direction.

9. The Strength (Upright/Reversed): The Strength card represents inner strength, co*age, and resilience. Upright, it symbolizes kindness and confidence, while reversed, it suggests self-doubt and aggression.

10. The Hermit (Upright/Reversed): The Hermit signifies introspection, solitude, and wisdom. Upright, it represents seeking answers within, while reversed, it suggests isolation and withdrawal from society.

11. The Wheel of Fortune (Upright/Reversed): The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes destiny, change, and cycles. Upright, it suggests good luck and positive outcomes, while reversed, it signifies unexpected setbacks and a lack of control.

12. Justice (Upright/Reversed): Justice represents fairness, truth, and balance. In the upright position, it symbolizes integrity and legal matters, while reversed, it indicates injustice and imbalance.

13. The Hanged Man (Upright/Reversed): The Hanged Man signifies s*render, self-sacrifice, and a new perspective. Upright, it suggests letting go and gaining enlightenment, while reversed, it represents resistance and a refusal to change.

14. Death (Upright/Reversed): Death represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings. In the upright position, it signifies necessary change and rebirth, while reversed, it suggests stagnation and fear of change.

15. Temperance (Upright/Reversed): Temperance symbolizes balance, patience, and moderation. Upright, it suggests harmony and adaptability, while reversed, it indicates imbalance and impatience.

16. The Devil (Upright/Reversed): The Devil signifies bondage, materiali*, and unhealthy attachments. In the upright position, it represents temptation and addiction, while reversed, it suggests liberation and breaking free from destructive patterns.

17. The Tower (Upright/Reversed): The Tower symbolizes sudden upheaval, destruction, and revelation. Upright, it indicates releasing old patterns for growth, while reversed, it signifies avoiding necessary changes and experiencing greater chaos.

18. The Star (Upright/Reversed): The Star represents hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. Upright, it suggests optimi* and faith, while reversed, it indicates a loss of faith and feeling disillusioned.

19. The Moon (Upright/Reversed): The Moon signifies intuition, reflection, and illusions. In the upright position, it symbolizes the unknown and hidden emotions, while reversed, it suggests clarity and overcoming fears.

20. The Sun (Upright/Reversed): The Sun represents happiness, joy, and success. Upright, it symbolizes vitality and positivity, while reversed, it indicates temporary setbacks and a lack of enthusia*.

21. Judgment (Upright/Reversed): Judgment represents self-evaluation, rebirth, and awakening. In the upright position, it symbolizes making amends and finding p*pose, while reversed, it suggests self-doubt and avoiding self-reflection.

22. The World (Upright/Reversed): The World signifies completion, fulfillment, and accomplishment. Upright, it represents a sense of achievement and wholeness, while reversed, it indicates a lack of clos*e and feeling incomplete.


Understanding the meaning of each major arcana tarot card, both upright and reversed, is essential for a comprehensive tarot reading. By *yzing the symboli* and significance behind each card, you can provide acc*ate and insightful guidance to individuals seeking clarity and guidance in their lives. Remember, tarot cards are tools for self-reflection and personal growth, offering guidance and insights into various aspects of life's jo*ney.




1. 正位:愚人(The Fool)


2. 逆位:愚人(The Fool)


3. 正位:魔术师(The Magician)


4. 逆位:魔术师(The Magician)


5. 正位:女祭司(The High Priestess)


6. 逆位:女祭司(The High Priestess)


7. 正位:皇后(The Empress)


8. 逆位:皇后(The Empress)


9. 正位:皇帝(The Emperor)


10. 逆位:皇帝(The Emperor)


11. 正位:教皇(The Hierophant)


12. 逆位:教皇(The Hierophant)


13. 正位:恋人(The Lovers)


14. 逆位:恋人(The Lovers)


15. 正位:战车(The Chariot)


16. 逆位:战车(The Chariot)


17. 正位:正义(Justice)


18. 逆位:正义(Justice)


19. 正位:隐士(The Hermit)


20. 逆位:隐士(The Hermit)


21. 正位:命运之轮(The Wheel of Fortune)


22. 逆位:命运之轮(The Wheel of Fortune)






1. 魔术师:代表创造力、自信和潜力,表示现在是开始新的事物的良机。

2. 女祭司:象征直觉、神秘和智慧,暗示你需要倾听内心的声音和信任直觉。

3. 女皇:代表母爱、丰饶和温柔,意味着你现在处于保护和滋养的环境中。

4. 皇帝:象征权威、稳定和决策力,提示你要承担责任,追求目标。

5. 教皇:代表信仰、传统和道德,表明你需要寻找精神指导和智慧。

6. 恋人:象征爱情、选择和合并,意味着你需要做出重要的关系决定。

7. 天车:代表改变、命运和进展,暗示你正处于生活中的转折点。

8. 正义:象征正义、平衡和道德,提示你要坚持自己的原则。

9. 隐士:代表寻找内心答案、独处和反思,表明你需要独自寻求指导。

10. 命运之轮:象征命运、循环和变化,提示你要接受生活的起伏。

11. 力量:代表勇气、自律和力量,意味着你需要勇敢地面对困难。

12. 倒吊人:象征牺牲、妥协和改变观点,表明你需要放弃一些东西才能前进。

13. 死神:代表结束、转变和重生,意味着你需要释放过去以便进入新的阶段。

14. 节制:象征平衡、和谐和自制,表明你需要在生活中找到平衡点。

15. 魔鬼:代表束缚、*和依赖,暗示你需摆脱消极的影响。

16. 高塔:象征突变、解体和觉醒,意味着你正经历一场突然而破灭的事件。

17. 星星:代表希望、灵感和信念,提示你继续追求目标并相信自己。

18. 月亮:象征情感、直觉和潜意识,表明你需要探索内心深处的恐惧和渴望。

19. 太阳:代表快乐、成功和阳光,意味着你正经历生命的欢乐时刻。

20. 審判:象征重生、公正和自我评估,表明你需要审视自己的行动和决定。

21. 世界:代表成就、完成和*,提示你已经到达一个重要的阶段。
