

  • 作者: 柳璐
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2023-12-04











原始翻译输入:Recently, a reader left a message on my blog, asking about the omen of getting inj*ed in dreams. As an astrologer, I have my own understanding of dream interpretation. In my spare time, to help the reader answer this question, I spent some time researching relevant materials and consulting professionals. Here are my views.


原始翻译输入:Dreams have always been viewed as an interpretation of what lies deep inside a person, as well as an important expression of the soul. Especially dreams that involve elements of harm and pain tend to draw people's attention and raise questions. According to psychologists, inj*ies in dreams often reflect a dreamer's inner sense of frustration or inferiority. So, what does it mean to dream about getting inj*ed?


原始翻译输入:According to the interpretation of Zhou Gong's Dream Dictionary, dreaming about getting inj*ed does not necessarily imply actual harm. The inj*ies in dreams are often symbolic, such as dreaming about a broken arm which may represent a feeling of losing power or self-worth. On the other hand, the inj*ies in dreams may also serve as an inner warning, potentially related to stress, anxiety, or difficulties in real life. Therefore, dreaming about getting inj*ed doesn't necessarily result in physical pain but rather serves as an expression of one's emotional state deep within.


原始翻译输入:So, what are the signs of dreaming about getting inj*ed? By interpreting based on different zodiac signs, we can find some commonalities. For example, for Virgo individuals, dreaming about getting inj*ed may imply excessive self-critici* or over-anxiety, while for those in the Cancer sign, it may be due to hypersensitivity and worries about others' opinions. Additionally, there might be different perspectives based on other zodiac signs, but overall, dreams about getting inj*ed are mostly related to emotions.


原始翻译输入:In conclusion, dreaming about getting inj*ed should not be a cause for excessive worry. It is merely an expression of inner emotions, perhaps stemming from life's press*es or fluctuations in mood. Paying attention to one's mental well-being and seeking appropriate methods to release stress and emotions, such as engaging in physical activities, relaxation techniques, or seeking professional counseling, will help balance one's emotional state.


原始翻译输入:Let us not allow the inj*ies in o* dreams to dist*b o* inner peace and cause unnecessary worry, nor should we believe that they foretell misfortune. Dreams are reflections of the soul, and we should confront the desires and challenges within o*selves, seeking peace and balance for o* emotional state and inner being. This way, we can trigger more growth and happiness in o* waking lives.